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The Importance of Marketing During COVID-19

With there being a significant increase of internet users, now is the perfect time to re-focus and invest in your digital marketing strategy to help stabilise your business.

Recent Internet Users Chart

How can Digital Marketing Help your Business?

According to data provided by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in 2019, 99% of all adults aged 16-44 were internet users in the UK.

Since social distancing measures were implemented, the usage rate has increased by up to 50%, meaning internet users in the UK are online more now than ever. 


SEO plays a crucial role in the success of your digital business and making sure you’re visible to the right people at the right time. Making the most out of this internet saturated era by optimising your SEO strategy will allow you to acquire and retain the right consumers to your brand.

iCandy Design offer bespoke SEO services tailored to the needs of your business. Discover more information on the importance of SEO or contact us to discover how we help you increase the stability of your business with a bespoke SEO strategy tailored to your needs.


With more people online, there is an opportunity to increase your website views. Continuing to keep your content fresh, relevant and appealing to your target audience will encourage an increase in SERP rankings as well as boosting your overall domain authority. 

We can show you the value of content marketing and how now is the time to be creating more meaningful and targeted content.


Keeping in contact with your audience and providing updates as well as relevant information is vital, especially in this current climate. 

Your off-page SEO and communication strategies should work collaboratively to increase the connection between your company and consumers, as well as drive traffic to your physical website.


Optimise your Digital Marketing Strategy

We’re here and continue to provide a full service through this difficult time for our clients. 

If you would like iCandy Design to work as your extended marketing team, providing a bespoke service tailored specifically to you and your business, then click below.

Contact our friendly team today and discover how we can support you. 

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