Increase Conversions

Learn the Value of Content Marketing

The phrase 'content is king' has been repeated to the point it's at risk of becoming a cliché. However, the saying holds true, and having a firm grasp of the principles behind high-quality content marketing has never been more important.

Content Marketing

The value of content marketing works in two separate but tightly linked ways. When you take the time to produce quality content, you educate readers who are looking for answers to problems that they face. Your readers will, in turn, share the answers they find with others and it is this symbiotic relationship between SEO & content marketing that is a key ranking factor.

Discover the three key benefits of content marketing for you and your customers:

Increased Sales

An increase in the amount of blog posts published goes hand in hand with increased site visibility. Having a well-defined content marketing strategy means you will have more, better-quality content than your competitors. You will rank higher than your competitors and there will be more pages for your customers to find organically. Increasing the amount of quality traffic to your site will in turn increase conversions.


While viewed as more expensive, content marketing can be a more cost-effective approach overpaid marketing methods such as Pay-Per-Click. In a side-by-side comparison, content marketing has lower up-front costs as well as deeper long-term benefits.

Your customers will return to your blog posts, spending more time on your site, and this increased engagement will be noticed by Google, improving your SEO ranking.

Engaged Customers

By communicating with your customers regularly and giving them a solution to their problems, you turn them into a brand ambassador. These ambassadors will regularly engage with your brand and the content you put out, promoting it to others.

The value of the content marketing support from your ambassadors can be quantified by an increase in quality traffic, quality leads, and sales.

Content Pitfalls

That isn’t to say that content marketing is easy and you won’t run into issues.

  • How are you managing keywords? Too few placed haphazardly, and you risk not ranking for relevant traffic. Too many and you may be seen to be keyword stuffing and risk being penalised with lower rankings.
  • Do you suffer from ‘thin content’? A term Google defines as having “little or no added value”. If identified on your website it will have consequences such as lower rankings or even, in extreme cases, not ranking at all.
  • Do you need a marketing strategy? As with all areas of marketing, it pays well to have a robust content marketing strategy. It will help steer you away from marketing pitfalls and towards your goal of finding better, more engaged customers.


Make the most of your content…

At iCandy Design, our helpful digital marketing team are experienced with all aspects of content marketing. Coming from a range of industry backgrounds, we bring a unique perspective to the table and work together to create a content marketing strategy that is robust, flexible and valuable to your customers. Combined with excellent written skills it's no wonder our customers work with us month after month to create great, valuable content.

If you would like to explore how content marketing could benefit your business, get in touch with our friendly team today.

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